Practice and Discussion of the Vocational College Teacher Quality Improvement Plan
Ran Wei1, Fang Song2,*
1Department of Rehabilitation Engineering, Beijing College of Social Administration (Training Center of the Ministry of Civil Affairs), Beijing, China
2Department of Child Education and Development, Beijing College of Social Administration (Training Center of the Ministry of Civil Affairs), Beijing, China
*Corresponding Author.
The Vocational College Teacher Quality Improvement Plan (VCTQIP) is a strategic initiative to enhance the pedagogical and technical skills of vocational college teachers in line with the evolving needs of industry. This paper examines the VCTQIP, in particular the Curriculum Implementation Capacity Enhancement Program in Advanced Manufacturing, orchestrated by the Beijing Institute of Technology from 2023 to 2024. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the plan in improving teacher quality and to explore innovative training methods in the context of synergistic innovation between vocational, higher and continuing education. Assessing the impact of the training on teachers' professional development and the integration of student-centred learning is at the core of the research methodology. The plan's multifaceted training modules, including specialist research, curriculum design and practical applications, have been instrumental in achieving this outcome. In addition, the collaboration with industry experts and the emphasis on pedagogical reform have provided a comprehensive learning experience. The paper concludes that the VCTQIP is an important tool for the professional development of VET teachers, facilitating the transition to student-centred learning and promoting lifelong learning, which is essential for career sustainability. The success of the plan lies in its structured approach, which integrates theory and practice and encourages continuous improvement and innovation in teaching methods.
Vocational Teacher Education; Teacher Quality Improvement; Student-centred Learning
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