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Research on the Impact of Anthropomorphism on User Engagement: Using Meta-Human as an Example
Zhifang Han
School of Economics and Management, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China
It has been demonstrated that user engagement is a useful predictor of a company's financial performance. As a result, marketers are engaging in the investigation of all kinds of innovative strategies for the improvement of user engagement. In light of the aforementioned considerations, this paper employs the emerging technology of meta-human as a starting point of investigation, with the objective of illustrating the process in which different categories of anthropomorphism influence user engagement, and the conditions that constrain this phenomenon. The findings indicated that both human nature traits and uniquely human traits can have a positive influence on user engagement, with affective presence exerts a partial mediating effect on the relationship between human nature traits and user engagement, and cognitive presence exerts the same influence between uniquely human traits and user engagement. Additionally, the study validated the moderating role of application scenarios in the process of anthropomorphism affecting social presence. These findings will not only enhance the comprehension of anthropomorphism in future research, but also furnish enterprises with direction on how to incorporate anthropomorphism in different scenarios.
Anthropomorphism; User Engagement; Social Presence; Application Scenarios; Meta-Human
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