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Exploring Innovative Teaching Practices in Management Education in the Digital Era
Xiangyu Yu*
School of Management, Shandong Technology and Business University, Yantai, Shandong, China *Corresponding Author.
In the digital era, management education faces growing challenges and opportunities, necessitating the adoption of innovative teaching practices to prepare students for dynamic and complex business environments. This paper explores the integration of cutting-edge methods such as artificial intelligence, technology-enhanced learning, experiential learning, flipped classrooms, and collaborative models. Through an in-depth review of literature and analysis of case studies, the study identifies the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of these approaches. It emphasizes the role of innovation in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, fostering critical thinking, and improving engagement. The findings contribute to the ongoing discourse on transforming management education and provide actionable recommendations for educators and institutions.
Management Education; Innovative Teaching Practices; Digital Era; Technology-Enhanced Learning
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