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DeepGI: An Automated Approach for Gastrointestinal Tract Segmentation in MRI Scans
Ye Zhang1,*, Yulu Gong2, Dongji Cui3, Xinrui Li4, Xinyu Shen5
1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA 2Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA 3Trine University, Phoenix, USA 4Cornell University, New York, USA 5Columbia University, Frisco, USA *Corresponding author
Detecting gastrointestinal (GI) tract cancers accurately remains essential for improved radiotherapy outcomes. This study introduces an innovative deep learning model for automated segmentation of GI regions within MRI scans, featuring an architecture that combines Inception-V4 for classification, a UNet++ with VGG19 encoder for 2.5D segmentation, and an Edge UNet optimized for grayscale images. Detailed data preprocessing, including 2.5D data handling, is employed to enhance segmentation precision. Our model addresses the limitations of manual segmentation by providing a streamlined, high-accuracy solution that captures complex GI structures crucial for treatment planning.
Deep Learning, MRI Segmentation, Inception-V4, UNet++, Edge UNet, Gastrointestinal Imaging
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