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Application and Effect Analysis of Digital Teaching Resources in Preschool Education
Li Chen
School of Preschool Education, Chongqing Preschool Education College, Chongqing,China
This study explores the application and effect of digital teaching resources in preschool education, and analyzes its positive impact on children's cognitive development, social and emotional cultivation, learning interest and personalized learning. Digital resources enhance children's learning experience and participation through multimodal presentation and interactive design, helping them to obtain comprehensive development of cognitive and social skills in intuitive and diverse scenarios. The study pointed out that digital resources not only enrich teaching content, but also support children's personalized growth through personalization and instant feedback. However, the promotion process faces challenges such as uneven resource allocation and differences in teachers' digital literacy, and it is urgent to further optimize through strengthening teacher training and improving resource allocation. Based on this, digital teaching resources are considered to be a key tool to improve the quality of preschool education and promote the comprehensive development of children.
Digital Teaching Resources; Preschool Education; Children's Cognitive Development; Personalized Learning; Education Quality
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