Challenges and Opportunities in Stock Price Prediction: An Exploration Using an ANN-LSTM-Transformer Hybrid Model
Shengkai Ma
Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China
This paper explores the effectiveness of a hybrid model combining ANN, LSTM, and Transformer architectures for stock price prediction. The model integrates ANN for feature extraction, LSTM for capturing long-term dependencies, and Transformer for modeling complex relationships. However, its performance on real-world datasets fell short of traditional models like RF, SVM, and XGBoost, primarily due to insufficient hyperparameter tuning, inadequate data preprocessing, and the challenge of managing model complexity with limited training data. The findings emphasize the need for systematic optimization, advanced preprocessing techniques, and the inclusion of diverse data sources to improve predictive accuracy and robustness. While the current results highlight limitations, the hybrid model approach remains a promising avenue for tackling the complexities of stock prediction and enhancing financial decision-making.
Stock Price Prediction; Artificial Neural Network (ANN); Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM); Transformer; Hybrid Model
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