Home > Economic Society and Humanities > Vol. 1 No. 10 (ESH 2024) >
Analyzes the Impact of China's Digitalization Degree on Industrial Structure from the Perspective of Employment Rate
Liu Shiqian
School of Business, University of Jinan, Jinan, China
Focusing on the theme of "The impact of China's digitalization on industrial structure from the perspective of employment rate", this paper collects a large amount of data and uses statistical and econometric methods to deeply discuss the actual impact of the digitalization process on the employment rate of different industries in China's economy. The study aims to reveal the digitized degree and the size of the different industry employment-specific quantitative relations, thus the analysis of the effect of the digitized degree of industrial structure in China, provides the empirical basis for policymakers and stakeholders. By constructing an econometric model, using the time series data, the Internet penetration, computer, software, and auxiliary equipment wholesale (one hundred million yuan) in total assets, as the main explanatory variables, respectively, to analyze its primary industry, secondary industry, and tertiary industry employment, and reveals the mechanism of action, the results are summarized. Results show that the degree of China's digital increase significantly improved China's third industry employment, employment and the second industry also has a certain positive correlation, but negative correlation with the primary industry employment, promoting the development of the industrial structure of high-grade obviously. In addition, this article also puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations to further improve the digital level and the relationship between the industrial structure optimization, to promote the more reasonable allocation of resources.
Digital; Industrial Structure; Employment; Empirical Analysis; Mechanism of Policy Recommendations
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