Home > Economic Society and Humanities > Vol. 1 No. 11 (ESH 2024) >
The Power of Mandala Painting in Art Psychological Healing
Rong Liu*, Yiwei Chen
Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China *Corresponding Author.
In the current society, the pace of life is extremely fast and the sources of pressure are complex, psychological problems have been widely concerned, and traditional psychological treatment can no longer meet people's diverse needs. Subsequently, Swiss psychologist Jung conducted research on mandala painting, cleverly integrated color psychology and unconscious expression, and opened the door to the inner world for individuals through specific painting forms, helping them repair psychological trauma and realize self-growth. In view of the great potential of mandala painting in the field of mental health, in-depth exploration of its theoretical basis and practical application is of great significance for enriching the theoretical system of art psychotherapy and improving the level of public mental health.
Mandala Painting; Art Psychological Healing; Practical Application; Color Performance; Power Research
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