Home > Economic Society and Humanities > Vol. 1 No. 11 (ESH 2024) >
The Image of Sichuan from Multimodal Perspective: A Case Study of Bilingual Promotional Videos
Tingting Gou*, Jing Chen
School of Foreign Languages, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China *Corresponding Author.
In the process of accelerating the implementation of China’s cultural “going global” strategy, bilingual image videos have become an effective way of promotion, showcasing distinctive regional features with the help of texts, images and sounds. From the multimodal perspective, this paper taking the bilingual promotional videos of Sichuan in 2022 and 2023, explores the significance of the verbal and visual modalities, analyzes how the two interact with each other, and interprets the image constructed by the promotional videos. It is found that multimodal semiotic resources are utilized to jointly construct the image of Sichuan as one with a long history, good ecology, technological progress and diversity. The multimodal perspective can provide viewers with enhanced means to appreciate promotional videos, and offer creators valuable references for the translation and production of bilingual branding contents.
Multimodal Discourse Analysis; Bilingual Promotional Videos; Verbal Modality; Visual Modality; Image Construction
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