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A Comprehensive Analysis of the Chinese Translation of Plotinus's "The Enneads"
Xiaoyan Li 1,2,*
1School of Foreign Languages, Bengbu University, Bengbu, Anhui, China 2Institute of Modern History, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China *Corresponding Author.
Protino's profound influence on western philosophical thought, particularly in metaphysics, ethics, and cosmology, serves as the backdrop for a comprehensive analysis of the Chinese translations of his seminal work, "The Enneads." The Chinese translations are depicted as significant events in fostering cross-cultural philosophical exchange. The study underscores the urgency of these translations while revealing the nuanced challenges, diverse methods, and inspirational insights encountered in interpreting Protino's philosophy within distinct linguistic and cultural contexts.
Plotinus; the Enneads; Neoplatonism; Chinese Philosophy; Translation Studies; Cross-Cultural Philosophy
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