Home > Higher Education and Practice > Vol. 1 No. 11 (HEP 2024) >
Analysis on the Teaching Innovation in the Course of Public Finance with Emphasis on Moral Education and Value Integration
Xuebing Gu, Wei Pan*
School of Economics and Management, Hebei Oriental University, Langfang, Hebei, China *Corresponding Author.
To advance the teaching reform of Public Finance course, this paper, adopting a student-centered approach, offers an innovative design of teaching concepts from the perspective of moral education and value integration. This includes reconstructing course objectives, enriching teaching connotations, innovating teaching modes, upgrading teaching methods, and reforming assessment methods. We have implemented these teaching innovation practices on the Chaoxing Learning Platform, and achieved good results. Students' enthusiasm and initiative for learning have been significantly enhanced, and their ability to analyze and solve financial hot issues has been significantly improved.
Public Finance Course; Moral Education; Value Integration; Teaching Innovation
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