Concepts and Practices of Curriculum-based IPE in Graduate English Module: A Case Study of English Academic (Journal) Paper Writing
Huang Jing
School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China
This study examines the current development and research on moral education in ESP courses, highlighting differences between western moral education and Chinese ideological and political education(IPE) in higher education. Taking the graduate course English Academic (Journal) Paper Writing of a provincial public university as a case, it explores pathways to achieve the integration of three objectives--knowledge, skill and virtue into specific teaching contents based on five-year teaching practice. The study also discusses the collaboration of faculty and administrative teams to enhance graduate students’ research literacy and proposes a triadic model to maximize the holistic impact of IPE in curriculum design and implementation.
Moral Education; Curriculum-Based Ideological and Political Education; Graduate English Module; English Academic (Journal) Paper Writing
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