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Exploration and Practice of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Joint Training Model: A Case Study of the Educational Economics Course
Hai Lan*
School of Marxism, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China *Corresponding Author.
The Educational Economics course needs to balance the curriculum objectives of both education and economics, with the aim of cultivating interdisciplinary competencies in contemporary graduate students and providing society with more highly qualified talents. As society continues to evolve and educational demands shift, the integration of education and economics has become increasingly vital. Against this backdrop, cultivating talent with a broad interdisciplinary perspective and comprehensive capabilities has become one of the key goals of higher education. Therefore, how to organically integrate education and economics and design a curriculum system that meets the demands of modern education has become an urgent issue for researchers and educators in the field of education. Using the Educational Economics course as a case study, this paper explores the current status of the interdisciplinary graduate joint training model. With the gradual development of educational economics, many universities have incorporated it as a core component of graduate-level courses. However, during the actual teaching process, several challenges persist. Thus, breaking through disciplinary boundaries and promoting the integration of interdisciplinary teaching has become a critical factor in the development of the Educational Economics course. Building upon this, this study attempts to explore new teaching strategies and implement them in classroom instruction. These innovative strategies not only enhance students’ interdisciplinary capabilities but also stimulate their problem-solving thinking in real-world educational economic issues. This has significant implications for the development of the teaching model for the Educational Economics course. Through the implementation of these innovative strategies, it can not only improve the quality of teaching, but also provide reference for the design and implementation of other interdisciplinary courses.
Graduate Education; Educational Economics; Teaching Model; Disciplinary Integration; Innovation in Assessment Systems
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