Home > Higher Education and Practice > Vol. 1 No. 12 (HEP 2024) >
Exploration and Practice of Digital Teaching of Customs Declaration and Inspection Practice Course Based on CTCL Paradigm Unified UTAUT Model
Huihong Liu, Dan Peng*, Yixuan Li, Jin Huang, Yuxi Liu, Jiayang Li ,Jiaqi Zhang
College of Business, Hunan Women’s University, Changsha, China *corresponding author
This paper aims to explore users' willingness to adopt the customs declaration and inspection platform, utilizing both the CTCL model and the UTAUT model. The study targets users of customs declaration and inspection platforms, with a sample size of 198 valid responses. PLS-SEM analysis was employed to investigate the factors influencing users' acceptance of the platform. The results reveal that culture positively impacts performance expectancy and social influence; technology significantly affects performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions; content positively influences effort expectancy; and learner characteristics notably affect social influence. This research integrates the CTCL model into the UTAUT framework, extending our understanding of how users engage with customs clearance platforms. The findings suggest that system developers should focus on improving the quality of the platform to enhance user willingness to adopt it.
CTCL; UTAUT; Customs Declaration and Inspection Platform
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