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Higher Education Teaching Reform: Integration of the Online and Offline Teaching
Miaozhu Zheng
Foshan University, Foshan, Guangdong, China
The traditional teaching mode of large class sizes and face-to-face instruction originated during the industrial era has struggled to meet the talent development demands in the post-industrial era and cater to students' requirements in the information and digital age. The online teaching emerged as a complement to traditional teaching and gained widespread promotion as a substitute for in-person teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even after the pandemic, the online teaching has further developed alongside traditional methods, but opinions about its effectiveness vary. Both the online and offline (face-to-face) teaching have their distinct pros and cons. To meet the requirements for contemporary talent development, the integration of online and offline teaching courses strategically combines the strengths of each approach while mitigating their weaknesses. This integrated teaching approach transcends the limitations of traditional colleges and universities instruction, particularly in general courses with large class formats. It enables educators to devote greater attention to students, stimulates students’ innate drive for learning and promotes the normalization of learning in their daily routines.
Online Teaching; Offline Teaching; Integrated Teaching; Higher Education Institutions; Teaching Reform
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