Home > Higher Education and Practice > Vol. 1 No. 3 (HEP 2024) >
Research on the Teaching Design of Primary School Science Experiment Based on Project Learning
Gao Yan
Changsha Normal University, Hunan, Changsha, China
This study discusses the application and effect of project-based learning in primary science education. Through the case study method, the influence of project learning on improving pupils' scientific knowledge, experimental skills and innovative thinking is analyzed. The project activity takes "Ecosystem and Environmental Protection" as the theme, emphasizing the active participation of students and the application of interdisciplinary knowledge. The research results show that project-based learning effectively enhances students' subject understanding and problem-solving ability, and promotes the cultivation of team spirit. Ultimately, it is suggested that future research should explore the cross-application of project-based learning among different disciplines and evaluate its impact on students' long-term development in order to promote the wide application of this teaching model.
Project-based Learning; Primary School Science Education; Experimental Skills; Interdisciplinary Learning; Innovative Thinking
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