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Application of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Teaching: Taking the “Python Programming Design” Course as an Example
Jianmei Chen, Xiaojun Ding*
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Yulin Normal University, Yulin, Guangxi, China *Corresponding Author.
Taking the course of "Python Programming Design" as an example, this paper explores the personalized teaching of Artificial Intelligence. In the teaching practice, with Student A demonstrating the design of questions, the difficulty is gradually increased according to the learning progress. The case analysis involves the application methods, effect evaluation, feedback from teachers and students, etc. The paper also elaborates on the design practice and effect evaluation methods of Artificial Intelligence teaching in the course. The conclusion points out its progress, problems and optimization strategies. Although the research has limitations, the development trend of Artificial Intelligence teaching is promising. In the future, multiple technologies can be integrated and interdisciplinary teaching can be carried out.
Artificial Intelligence; Personalized Teaching; Python Programming Design
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