Home > Higher Education and Practice > Vol. 1 No. 9 (HEP 2024) >
A Study of The Effects of School Bullying on the Psychological Resilience of College Students and Its Intervention
Wang Hexiao
School of Political Science and Law,University of Jinan, Jinan, China
In recent years, school bullying has become a hotly debated topic as society's concern for young people gradually increases. Although campuses have carried out some bullying prevention work in various aspects of school life in recent years, there is still a large amount of bullying among the student population. We distributed questionnaires and collected relevant data, from which it is not difficult to find that bullying has become a common phenomenon in adolescent schools, which deserves our attention. In this paper, we set up questionnaires, collect data and analyze them with SPSS to understand the main ways of school bullying and the characteristics of the target group nowadays, and come to the conclusion that school bullying suffered in childhood has a certain impact on the psychological resilience of college students. Read the article and combine the theoretical knowledge to put forward the strategy of preventing school bullying and improving psychological resilience.
School Bullying; College Students; Psychological Resilience
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