Home > Industry Science and Engineering > Vol. 1 No. 1 (ISE 2024) >
Challenges and Countermeasures of Daily Chemical Packaging under the Target of "Double Carbon"
Rong Zhao1,* Jiamin She2,* Yunyan Jia2
1Department of Arts and Design Science, Shanxi Institute of Technology, Yangquan, Shanxi, China 2Department of Arts and Design Science, Shanxi Institute of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China *Corresponding author
This paper provides countermeasures for the achievement of the dual carbon goal of the daily chemical packaging industry. Through the analysis of materials, printing, recycling, publicity design, consumer psychology and other aspects in the design of daily chemical packaging, we find and learn from the advanced use of low-carbon packaging in the whole industry, and put forward countermeasures suitable for low-carbon packaging of daily chemical packaging. The whole life process of daily chemical packaging emphasizes the modern packaging trend with low-carbon development as the main orientation, including production, design and humanistic thinking. Realizing the low-carbon packaging materials, low-carbon packaging printing, packaging recycling, low-carbon packaging publicity orientation and the improvement of industry-related laws and regulations and policies will have a very key impact on achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality and building a sustainable society.
Carbon Neutral; Daily Chemical Packaging; Low Carbon Development
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