Home > Industry Science and Engineering > Vol. 1 No. 1 (ISE 2024) >
Mining and Incorporation of Value Elements in Drainage Science and Engineering Programmes
Shiguang Chen*, Qi Li, Hongwei Sun
College of Urban and Rural Construction, Zhongkai University of Agricultural Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, Guangdong, China *Corresponding Author.
Previous engineering education only focuses on the training of theoretical knowledge and skills, neglecting the formation of spirit and values. Mining education elements in the process of knowledge transfer is a new educational concept proposed by China's engineering education community in recent years. In order to achieve the goal of comprehensive education, the article suggests that, on the one hand, based on the main channel of classroom teaching, we should scientifically and systematically develop the value resources of the curriculum, and excavate the spiritual elements implicit in the depth of theory. On the other hand, we should make good use of professional lectures, disciplinary competitions and practical teaching platforms to achieve the unity of knowledge and action. We must pay attention to the unity of value formation, knowledge transmission, and ability cultivation, and make good use of the phenomenon teaching method to improve the coupling and fluidity of value elements in professional knowledge. This article provides an example of talent cultivation in civil engineering.
Water Supply and Drainage; Value Elements; Integration; Cases
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