Home > Industry Science and Engineering > Vol. 1 No. 1 (ISE 2024) >
Research on the Mechanism and Implementation Path of Enhancing Innovation Capability in Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Human-Machine Collaboration
Cuizhi Yin, Fan Bu*, Xia Liu
School of Digital Economics, Changzhou College of Information Technology, Jiangsu, China *Corresponding Author.
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, manufacturing enterprises face the challenge of enhancing their innovation capabilities to remain competitive. This research aims to investigate the mechanism and implementation path of enhancing innovation capability in manufacturing enterprises through human-machine collaboration. By examining the case of Xingyu Co., Ltd., this study explores the effects of human-machine collaboration on production efficiency, cost reduction, product quality improvement, and employee innovation potential. Additionally, it discusses the need for further research to explore the long-term impact of human-machine collaboration on innovation capability, the differences in innovation capability among enterprises of different scales and industries, and the relationship between human-machine collaboration and innovation capability in conjunction with other factors such as organizational culture and management models. The findings suggest that human-machine collaboration significantly enhances innovation capability in manufacturing enterprises, and future research should focus on optimizing implementation strategies to enhance competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities.
Human-Machine Collaboration; Innovation Capability; Manufacturing Enterprises
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