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Using and Molding of Agricultural Machinery Safety Management Evaluation based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Dengfeng Hua
China Agricultural Mechanization Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing, China
As the level of agricultural mechanization in China continues to improve, the issue of agricultural machinery safety management is becoming increasingly prominent. Strengthening the safety management of agricultural machinery is of great significance for safeguarding the safety of farmers' life and property and the healthy development of agricultural mechanization. This paper combines the hierarchical analysis method (AHP) and the fuzzy evaluation method, and establishes the evaluation index system of agricultural machinery safety management by selecting 18 indexes from five aspects: industry management, basic situation of drivers, management of agricultural machinery, insurance coverage of agricultural machinery, and operating environment. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was used to establish the evaluation model of agricultural machinery safety management, and the evaluation method was applied to Liaoning Province. The results show that the safety management level of agricultural machinery in Liaoning Province is excellent.
Agricultural Machinery; Safety Management; Evaluation Index; Hierarchical Analysis; Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
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