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Research on the Development Path of Digital Enabled Smart Agriculture in Heilongjiang Province
Zhaoyang Wang, Shengxue Zhao*
College of Engineering, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China *Corresponding Author.
The development of smart agriculture requires the support of digital technology, digital talents, and digital capabilities. Currently, digitalization is developing rapidly in all occupations, and digital technology is rapidly spreading in rural areas of China. As a branch of the digital economy, digital agriculture has promoted the increase of farmers' production and income, as well as the transformation of lifestyle and life philosophy. In terms of developing smart agriculture, Heilongjiang Province has unique natural advantages and agricultural foundation advantages, and will face greater opportunities under the empowerment of digitalization. This article proposes countermeasures to accelerate the integration of agricultural data, accelerate the standardization of agricultural data, accelerate the intelligence of agricultural data, and accelerate the chain of agricultural data to promote the development of smart agriculture in Heilongjiang Province.
Smart Agriculture; Digitalization; Heilongjiang Province; Data Integration
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