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The CIPP-TOPSIS Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Computer Major Practice Teaching in Context of Intelligent Service Demand
Xing Xue
Department of Information and Control Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin, Jilin, China
Practice teaching evaluation is a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of students' performance in practical operations, experiments, internships and other practical activities, aiming to measure students' professional practice ability through reasonable evaluation, and is an important part of practice teaching in colleges and universities. Practical teaching evaluation needs to solve two problems, one is to determine the evaluation model for the evaluation system, and the other is to determine the weight of the evaluation system. Combined with CIPP comprehensive evaluation model, the evaluation system of computer professional practice teaching is built, and the weight of evaluation indicators for computer professional practice is determined by the combinatorial weighting TOPSIS method, so as to comprehensively measure and evaluate the effect of professional teaching practice from multiple perspectives.
Engineering Education; Practical Teaching; Teaching Evaluation; Practical Ability
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