Home > Occupation and Professional Education > Vol. 1 No. 2 (OPE 2024) >
The Penetration of Central Plains Culture in College English Teaching
Lixia Shen
School of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
Language and culture are inseparable. The inseparable relationship between language and culture makes culture and language teaching inextricably linked. The Central Plains culture represents Chinese culture to a certain extent. Hence, it is of significance to integrate college English teaching and the culture of the Central Plains. Based on the analysis of the current situation and causes of the penetration of Central Plains culture in college English teaching, this paper explores the principles and methods of penetrating Chinese culture into college English teaching. In college English teaching, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of moderation, balance and communication in integrating the basic knowledge of central plains culture. The methods are as follows: formulating scientific training program and reforming the existing teaching material system, improving the teachers’ traditional cultural quality and enhancing their multicultural awareness, perfecting the content of cultural penetration and optimizing the teaching method, setting up a variety of elective courses concerning central plains culture and enriching the second classroom activities, creating a good learning environment to enhance the students’ interest in learning central plains culture.
Central Plains Culture; College English Teaching; Penetration; Principles and Methods
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