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A Review of Language Interventions for Children with Learning Disabilities in China over the Past Forty Years: Keyword Analysis and Research Trajectory Outlook Based on CiteSpace
Renxin Qiu#, Bei Chen#,*
Xi’an Eurasia University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China #These Authors Contributed Equally to This Research. *Corresponding Author.
This study systematically reviews and analyzes research on language intervention for children with learning disabilities over the past four decades using the visual analysis tool CiteSpace on the CNKI platform. By constructing a knowledge graph, the study explores the evolving trends in temporal and spatial distribution of these studies, as well as the main characteristics of the research content. The results indicate a consistent growth in the quantity of related studies over the years, with a primary research focus centered around teacher training institutions, highlighting a high level of research attention on academic development. Further analysis of the key word knowledge graph reveals that cognitive intervention forms the core content of research in this field. In the initial stages of research, many studies drew upon Western research outcomes and experiences. However, due to significant linguistic differences between Chinese and English, researchers gradually recognized inadequacies in considering text specificity. Subsequent research shifted its focus to morphological studies in Chinese, demonstrating the significant predictive role of Chinese morphemes in students’ language development. Additionally, the study uncovers limitations in many current intervention and teaching methods, suggesting the need to explore comprehensive intervention strategies that integrate cognition with academic learning to achieve more thorough and effective intervention outcomes.
Phonological Awareness; Morphological Awareness; Learning Disabilities; Dyslexia; Visual Analysis
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