Home > Philosophy and Social Science > Vol. 1 No. 11 (PSS 2024) >
A Comparative Study of Ecological Holism in the Works of Alai and Hardy
Yunhe Zhang
School of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Minzu College, Kangding, Sichuan, China
This paper aims to conduct a comparative study of ecological holism in the works of the Chinese writer Alai and the British writer Thomas Hardy. It explores how the two writers demonstrate their profound concern for nature and their philosophical thinking on the relationship between humans and nature in their literary creations. By analyzing Alai’s works such as The Mushroom Circle and Remembering Death in a Floating Life and Hardy’s works such as Tess of the d'Urbervilles in detail. This paper reveals the similarities and differences in the ecological holism of the two writers and further discusses the significance of ecological holism in the context of increasingly severe environmental problems.
Alai; Hardy; Ecological Holism; Nature; Relationship between Humans and Nature
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