Insights into the Demand for Children's Education and Entertainment Products in Family Settings
Jianan Liu1, Chen Wang1, Lingyan Zhang2, Yichen Wu1,*
1School of Industrial Design, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2Design Innovation Centre, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
*Corresponding Author.
Children's education and entertainment products play a crucial role in children's growth by integrating knowledge transfer, skill development, and enjoyable experiences. As family education concepts continue to evolve, parents' demands for these products have become increasingly diverse. This study focuses on children under 12 and their parents, aiming to explore the demands for education and entertainment products in family settings and understand the core needs and expectations of both parents and children when using these products. The research employs qualitative and quantitative methods, including user interviews, the KJ method, literature review, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and surveys, to comprehensively explore the hierarchical structure of user needs. Additionally, the weighted average and scoring methods are used to rank the priority of these needs. The findings reveal the key factors parents consider most important when selecting education and entertainment products and provide clear guidance on the priority of these demands for product innovation and development.
Family Settings; Children's Education and Entertainment; Product Design; User Needs
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