Home > Philosophy and Social Science > Vol. 1 No. 2 (PSS 2024) >
Analysis of the Path of Educational Rehabilitation of Inmates in the Context of the "Five Reforms"
Zhengli Zhao
Sichuan Minzu College, Kangding, Sichuan, China
Citizens' illegal and criminal behaviors should be sanctioned by law, and prison serves as a vital institution for both punishment and rehabilitation of inmates. After imprisonment, inmates undergo a long-term reform process aimed at transforming their mindset and behavior. Education plays a crucial role in this process, serving as the catalyst for implementing positive changes. In light of the current era, the "Five Reforms" proposal serves as the logical starting point for this study. The aim is to analyze the significance of educational rehabilitation for the inmates within this context, identify and refine the new characteristics of such programs, and propose practical paths for their education and reform. The findings from this study hold significant practical implications and provide valuable guidance for the practice of inmate rehabilitation.
Prison; Inmates; Five Reforms; Educational Rehabilitation
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