Home > Philosophy and Social Science > Vol. 1 No. 2 (PSS 2024) >
The Beauty of Iron: Taking the Structure of Iron itself and the Participation of Elements as an Example
Ming Tang
Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi 333000, China
Iron is a substance that is connected to human beings all the time. As long as it is related to human beings, its beauty is worth exploring and discussing. Is there any connection or difference between the beauty of iron in aesthetic images and the beauty of iron commonly known as iron in daily life? Through the integration of the nature, structure, and element participation of iron, this paper combines aesthetic judgments from philosophical thinking and then it extends to the cross-layer research of finishing chromatics, material aesthetics research, and the influence of elements on the presentation of images. Establish the role of iron as a unique field of human creation and scientific research and its incommensurable beauty. Looking at iron without instrumental thought will provide us with the mind to discover the new content of this substance, to discover the irreplaceable beauty of iron. It is the key to discovering the origin of the beauty of iron materials, and puts forward some reflections on the beauty philosophy of human participation in materials, matter, and elements.
Iron; Iron Element; Ironware; Aesthetics; Aesthetic
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